Last term when we were preparing the report cards, one of the Primary teachers did some mistakes in filling the report cards. She was told by the head of primary section to get it photocopied from outside and again fill the reports. It was quite tough for her, she complained that she was not aware of that column that is why she put a tick. What I remember the whole issue resulted into bitterness, hatred and hopelessness.
I wish the head of primary would have used the white-out on this situation.
What would you do, when you find someone’s mistakes towards you?
Let us read Mat 6:12, 14-15.
"Forgive us the wrongs that we have done, as we forgive the wrongs others have done us. For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But, if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins."
God has given a wonderful white-out to all of us.
“It is Jesus millennium product”.
He has given it to you and me freely. Brand name of this product is forgiveness.
He uses that on our mistakes and He wants us to do same. But many times we are failed to apply it and try to use force of eraser or blade to remove the mistakes, which finally results into a scar.
But white-out is a better solution, it will remind you with brightness and you will not be ignorant of the past.
Say-I won’t be ignorant of the past
Say-White out is a better solution!
Every now and then I see our students keep repeating the mistakes, if we analyze these, we clearly see 3 different levels
They broke the rules unknowingly, because of their growth level
They broke the rules because of their ill brought up
They broke the rules because they were moving out of the school
Whenever anything happens in my life or in the lives of my near ones, I always take time to study and learn the pattern of life, through the students of my school. God’s kingdom is not at all less in any way than a school.
Say-I am learning
Say-White out is a better solution!
All of our actions come from a basic human survival instinct, which in real sense is, love for ourselves
Ask your neighbor, how much do you love yourself?
Many times when we look back and see how we did in the past, we always think, if I had known it; I could have done things differently in the past.
From this perspective, will you say, that was not wrong!
Definitely not! Wrong is wrong, but there can be explanations and reasons for that
However, it is important to see why you did and what you did so that you can have self forgiveness because if you do not forgives yourself it will block your personal progress
Say- It is time to let go off the burden of the past.
Say- White out is a better solution!
We are all learning and growing and we act in agreement with whatever stage of growth we are on at the time. We all have shames and guilt in our past lives. As children, many times we were judged but not explained the reason for our punishment.
That results into growing the negative approach. This negative approach will lead us into deeper wounds which are not in alignment with the word of God. God calls us unique, peculiar and blessed and apple of His eyes.
Say-I am apple of God’s eye
Say-White out is a better solution!
Let us read Romans 12:17-19
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay”, says the Lord.
I like two words in this passage a lot and that makes me full of joy of the Lord. These two words made me from sinner to righteous
These two wonderful words are wrath and avenge
What! Wrath and Avenge, how can these words be wonderful
Bible says God wants all of us to come to the knowledge of God; He wants all of us to be saved. Once I was a sinner and under the wrath of God and I was troubled in my life but notice the wrath and punishment of God brought me into His kingdom. Because of my troubles I began to search God. It means wrath of God is not anger with hatred, but it is with restoration. That’s why Paul wrote, Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay”, says the Lord.
What about your anger? Is it mix with restoration or separation?
Say- God is able
Say- White out is a better solution!
From God's perspective- Nothing is hidden from Him and yet He is always ready to forgive us and He forgets our sins, remembers them no more
Let us Read Heb 8:12
For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more."
Say-God remembers my sins no more
Say-White out is a better solution!
Most forgiveness issues have three levels
Outwardly- we just say forgive or forgiven but does not really mean from the heart
Feeling based- sometimes we ask for forgiveness or we forgive people because of our emotions, but truly not
Conviction from Holy Spirit- true and only repentance is through Holy Spirit. When God convicts us, there is always restoration. There may be no restoration between the people but still you will settle peace between you and God.
Many a times when we do mistakes, people see us as someone unworthy or like criminals. Like nothing can be done now, God’s wrath will fall upon and this person will die, or will go to hell. All hell and demon scripture become alive for that person
Legally a person, who is under the trail of the court, cannot be declared criminal until the judge declares it. Now there is a good report, our Judge Jesus doesn’t hold our sins against us. He has forgiven us.
Say-I am on my way to heaven
Say-White out is a better solution!
Remember Learning to live for God doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a journey
Making mistakes is a leaning .process, as we learn; we increase in awareness and grow
There are no mistakes from the viewpoint of our creator. He gives us the experience to lead others
Let us read Hebrews 12:1-3
And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne. Think of all the hostility he endured from sinful people; then you won’t become weary and give up
Be glad about your progress, you're growing and seeing your life improved each day little by little. Salvation Is of God’s love for you and how his Spirit living in you will guide, protect, love, forgive, and love you again.
Say- God has given a wonderful white-out to all of us.
Say- Jesus millennium product is a better solution!
Pray and ask God to forgive you from all your past hurts, pain and release every person unto God. Be ready to receive an abundant life
White-Out is a Better Solution!